MUMBAI: The MahaRera has imposed a fine of a cumulative Rs 2 lakh on as many as six developers in MMR for not printing QR codes of project registration with it in advertisements. There are a total of 107 cases wherein the developer has not printed or displayed QR codes in advertisements. Of these, show-cause notices were issued to 74 developers.


The regulatory body heard 25 of these cases, which were of projects in MMR, and imposed fines in six cases. In instances where the promoter has claimed that the advertisements have been issued without their knowledge, MahaRera has asked them to file cases with the cybercrime cell.


The regulatory body is in the process of hearing and determining the penalty in the rest of the cases. Besides, MahaRera is also in the process of sending show-cause notices to the remaining 33 developers. MahaRera had made it mandatory to print QR codes along with all advertisements of housing projects from August 1.


MahaRera has been monitoring advertisements in newspapers as well as on online and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, among others. According to MahaRera officials, it has come Instagram, among others. According to MahaRera officials, it has come to their notice that a large number of advertisements are being issued on online platforms and social media platforms without QR codes.


“Some of the promoters, in their response to the notices issued by MahaRera, claimed the advertisements were not issued by them or were issued without their knowledge. We have directed them to register cases with the cybercrime cell,” said a MahaRera official.


Advocate Avinash Pawar said, “It’s a good move to impose a penalty on promoters for not displaying QR codes. However, before making new rules, MahaRera needs to have machinery and ensure recovery of penalties imposed earlier and also ensure implementation of earlier orders for compensation, interest, and refund. The state should also fill up vacancies in MahaRera as thousands of cases are waiting to be disposed of.”


MahaRera has appealed to home buyers to be careful about advertisements on social media to avoid being cheated. “Apart from QR codes, a home buyer can go on MahaRera website and key in the registration number. All details covering every aspect of a project are made available there,” said a MahaRera official.


Earlier this year, MahaRera had imposed a fine of Rs 18 lakh collectively on as many as 90 developers for advertising projects without MahaRera registration numbers.